We conduct our activity in cases regarding the following offences:

  • offences against property: fraud, embezzlement, theft, breach of trust, misappropriation of public tenders, computer fraud, destruction, disturbance of possession;
  • offences against the realisation of justice: non-compliance with court judgements, favouring the offender, perjury;
  • corruption and office-related offences: bribe taking, bribe giving, influence peddling, influence buying, abuse and negligence of office, conflict of interests, illegally obtaining funds;
  • forgery;
  • offences against safety on public roads: putting into circulation or driving an unregistered vehicle; driving under the influence of alcohol or other substances, driving without holding a driving license, leaving the place of the accident;
  • offences against public order: establishing an organized criminal group, disturbance of public order;
  • offences against family: family abandonment;
  • offences of genocide, against humanity and war genocide;
  • offences from special laws – the facts incriminated by Law no. 241/2005 on the prevention and fight against tax evasion, Law no. 78/2000 on the prevention, discovery and sanctioning of corruption deeds, Law no. 656/2002 for the prevention and sanctioning of money laundering;

We offer assistance and representation to our clients in all the three stages of a criminal trial:

1. Criminal prosecution stage:

  • preparation of a strategy corresponding to the clients’ interests – suspects, defendants, civil party, party liable under civil law;
  • submitting complaints, requests, memoranda, exceptions and objections to the criminal prosecution bodies;
  • assisting clients upon performance of criminal prosecution deeds – hearing and submitting other evidence;
  • assisting and filing requests in respect of taking, replacing, maintaining, revoking of preventive measures – holding in custody, judicial control, domicile arrest and preventive arrest;
  • appeal against preventative measures – seizure, garnishment;
  • drawing up criminal complaints, suing as civil party in the criminal lawsuit;

2. Judgement stage:

  • drawing up requests and exceptions forming the object of the preliminary chamber procedure;
  • appeal against the court reports issued by the preliminary chamber judge;
  • assisting the defendants, parties liable under civil law or civil parties throughout the entire criminal lawsuit, until the issuance of a final ruling;

3. Stage of enforcement of criminal decisions:

  • assisting the persons sentenced to penalties with service suspension;
  • drawing up and supporting appeals against enforcement;
  • drawing up requests, memoranda and petitions to the detention facilities;
  • assisting sentenced persons within the conditional release and rehabilitation procedure;

Our specialists

Raluca Lungu